Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Seem like a good idea, JSTL core and JSTL XML (what is the difference?)
seem to contain about the same functionality as JXTG. I would have
prefered getting rid of the set tag though.
We *could* decide to just support a well-defined sub set, but I think it
makes more sense to go with the standard.

Any idea about how to implement it? Is there any SAX generating
implementation that we could embed and reuse as a generator? Or maybe a
STL implementation that we could reuse inside our template framework? Or
do you mean that we implement the STL tags oursevelves?

Actually I don't know - this is a think I have on my long
"nice-to-have-wish-list-for-cocoon" for years now, but never had time to
look into. I hope that we could just reuse something - if we have to
implement the whole stuff ourselves, then I would forget about it. But I
guess that there is something out there. Perhaps we could also just use
a jsp compiler and are done. In that case we would support more than
JSTL but I wouldn't mind. I guess people would love to code JSPs in
Cocoon (whether I think that this is a good idea or not, doesn't matter).


<sql:setDataSource var="testDB"
<sql:query var="users" dataSource="${testDB}">
    SELECT * FROM users

that is even worse than xsp days...

Leszek Gawron               
CTO at MobileBox Ltd.

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