Lars Huttar wrote:
On 9/28/2007 9:26 AM, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

While I was creating all the release artifacts of Cocoon 2.2RC2 I also published our 2.2 docs. See

I have to say that I'm really proud of seeing this long-term effort finally materializing :-) Thanks to all the involved helping hands!

The only missing part is the main site ( If nobody speaks up over the weekend, I will also publish it (see on Monday. It would be great if a native speaker could proof-read it in the meantime.

One thing I see is that the page titles (i.e. the html/head/title element) is not set specifically. For example, on
the title shown in the h1 element in the body is "How to configure consistent encoding in Cocoon", but the title in /html/head/title is "Cocoon 2.2". If all the doc pages have the title "Cocoon 2.2", that doesn't work well if you're bookmarking various doc pages.

I tried editing the page, but the only title I could find there was "How to configure consistent encoding in Cocoon", under "Document name". So I suspect the fix for this issue is not in the individual documents, but in the process for producing pages.

Thanks for reporting. I will have a look into this.

Reinhard Pötz                            Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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