Reinhard Poetz said the following on 2/10/07 18:08:
hepabolu wrote:
Reinhard Poetz said the following on 28/9/07 16:26:

While I was creating all the release artifacts of Cocoon 2.2RC2 I also published our 2.2 docs. See

I have to say that I'm really proud of seeing this long-term effort finally materializing :-) Thanks to all the involved helping hands!

Excellent work!

I just noticed that the 'subprojects' link on the right leads to the directory, rather than the index.html file.

hmm, on which page do you notice this behaviour? For me it works ...

On all of them. I just tested the main page, the one with the picture of the graphic of the architecture (Spring framework) and some others I can't remember.

Bye, Helma

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