Reinhard Poetz skrev:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Leszek Gawron skrev:
There is a lot of .xconf files in core. I would like to start converting them into spring beans


but question is: do we want that for 2.2?


It is a huge job to convert everything, so the only realistic option is to do it incrementally, a couple of components at the time, when people have time and feel like it. If we try to syncronize it with releases we will never get it done.

Right. As long as the shortname doesn't change most users won't be affected.

I don't know if we have discussed any policy for how to Springify the beans, but you will find many examples in the core. What I would propose is that for sitemap components, we keep and depricate the Avalon configurability and life cycle interfaces even if we Springify them. You'll find a number of examples on how this can be done in cocoon-pipeline-components. As users probably have tons of sitemap component configurations in their sitemaps, I think it is reasonable to give them some time to change.

Can you give a concrete example? E.g. the DirectoryGenerator which has already been springfied only exisits as a Spring bean, at least AFAICS.

The DirectoryGenerator is still an Avalon component besides being a Spring bean. Take a look in its super classes and you'll see that it still implements LogEnabled, Recyclable, Poolable, Servicable and Disposable.

Then you might take a look at the ResourceReader for an example of handling of a Configurable component.


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