Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Reinhard Poetz skrev:
Can you give a concrete example? E.g. the DirectoryGenerator which has already been springfied only exisits as a Spring bean, at least AFAICS.

The DirectoryGenerator is still an Avalon component besides being a Spring bean. Take a look in its super classes and you'll see that it still implements LogEnabled, Recyclable, Poolable, Servicable and Disposable.

I see. Thanks.

Then you might take a look at the ResourceReader for an example of handling of a Configurable component.

ok. Wouldn't it be a good idea to set dependencies this way too because in the FileGenerator I found following code:

try {
  // Lookup parser in Avalon contexts
  if (null == this.parser)
    this.parser = (SAXParser) this.manager.lookup(SAXParser.class.getName());
} catch (ServiceException e) {
    throw new ProcessingException("Exception when getting parser.", e);

Instead of this we could set the parser in the service() method, right?

                                    - o -

This also makes me think if we shouldn't do the Springification in a different 

 1. create an Avalon free POJO that works using Spring and put it into a
    namespace that will also work for OSGi
 2. make the old component extending the new POJO and deprecate it
 3. implement all the necessary interfaces (LogEnabled, Configureable, etc.)
 4. move all the Daisy documentation which is part of the Javadocs into
    the new component

Would this work?

Reinhard Pötz                            Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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