Grzegorz Kossakowski pisze:
Jeremy Quinn pisze:
I still have all of the notes and the builds we did (thanks!).
But I am still doing the work in 2.1, as (if I remember properly) we did not manage to make a build that would edit live at the level of the cforms block itself. Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems easier to setup 2.1 so that edits made to the built-in resources of the block are immediately live without re-building.

Jeremy, yep, you are wrong here. ;-)

Actually, time passed since our last meeting and I learned how to do things in damn easy way. So here goes the instructions: 1. Grab Eclipse from (I use 3.3 but newest 3.4 should work as well) 2. Install run jetty run plug-in for eclipse from: This will enable you to start Cocoon 2.2 from within Eclipse thus many fancy things will be possible (details below) 3. Checkout Cocoon's trunk from
4. Watch following video to see what else should be done:
5. *Before* you start mvn eclipse:eclipse command do following:
   (assuming you are in the root directory of Cocoon checkout)
$ cd blocks/cocoon-ajax/cocoon-ajax-impl/src/main/resources/org/apache/cocoon/dojo/resources/
   $ unzip
   $ mv dojo-0.4.3-ajax/* .
   $ rm -r dojo-0.4.3-ajax

Then return to the root directory and continue with the video. If you wonder why this ugly thing is needed: We are cheating here a little bit. It's a build that takes care of unpacking dojo and placing it at the right location but we don't want to rebuild right? 7. Once you are finished with the video you should be able to hack 2.2 *without* any rebuilds.

1. Thanks to the fact that Eclipse knows about Cocoon projects you can easily debug Cocoon. Just use debugging button instead of Run. Nice thing is that it even supports HotSwap so if you change a java class while debugging it will get redeployed. This is what we call RAD, right? 2. I had to modify (touch) forms-samples-styling.xsl file because Cocoon/XSLT processor does not detect changes to the included files. Anyway, AFAIR the same problem is in 2.1.

I forgot about third note:
3. I had to add servlet-api jar manually to the classpath due to bug in run jetty run plug-in. You can get this jar from Jetty distribution:

Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

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