Reinhard Pötz pisze:

As I wrote on my blog, I think that Cocoon has to change fundamentally
(focus on RESTful services, layered architecture and reuse in every Java
environment) in order to survive in the medium to long term. Staying
with Cocoon 2.x will mostly please already existing users but won't be
very attractive for others.

I wasn't very eager to go for Cocoon 3 at this point of time myself.
Cocoon 3 has been developed completely in the spare time of volunteers
and releasing it will put some pressure on it that I would have liked to
avoid it.
But keeping it in the whiteboard without a release isn't a solution as well.

Cocoon 3 is a chance without a guarantee of success. But it's better
than just waiting for some kind of miracle and doing nothing while
Cocoon and its community are fading away.

Even if I'm still busy with supporting community with 2.2 transition so I have no time to work on Corona/3.0 I wholeheartedly support Reinhard's position.

Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

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