Hi Reinhard!!!
thank you for your reply!!!
I'll proceed working on all these small issues - and I'll provide the
patches ASAP :)

> I'm sorry for my rather long response times (e.g. your
> XIncludeTransformer stuff) but I'm very busy ATM. The
> XIncludeTransformer will take me some time to review because I haven't
> used it so far with Cocoon 2.x and I have to get familiar with the
> XInclude and XPointer specs (at least to some extend).

Don't worry, I already though you're busy, you don't have anything to
be sorry :)
Take care, best regards,

> --
> Reinhard Pötz                           Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH
>                         http://www.indoqa.com/en/people/reinhard.poetz/
> Member of the Apache Software Foundation
> Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ________________________________________________________________________

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