Simone Tripodi wrote:
> Hi Reinhard,
>>> In my mind makes more sense reading the XSLT once, an
>>> org.apache.cocoon.pipeline.component.sax.XSLTTransformer instance
>>> should be reusable and it shouldn't read the same XSLT each time it
>>> has to perform a transformation. Please correct me if I'm wrong!
>> no makes sense! See - this is the
>> XSLTProcessorImpl that is used by Cocoon 2.x. It uses the Excalibur
>> store to avoid the recreation of TransformerHandler objects.
>> As a quick solution we can of course store the transformer handler
>> objects in a static hashmap, but in the future we should introduce
>> stores in Cocoon 3 too.
> As Sylvain and you suggested, I took a look on
> This trasformer, as reported in the Javadoc, is an adaptation of
> Excalibur's XSLTProcessor. As you wrote, one of the cocoon3-pipeline's
> main scopes is limit to 0 the dependencies (just the logging library),
> so I propose you 2 alternatives:
> 1) include dependencies where necessary;
> or
> 2) in the cocoon-pipeline, define a set of interfaces to manage XSLT's
> stores and reloaders, then include in the cocoon-pipeline simple basic
> implementations (adapters of HashMap for stores, Threads for
> reloaders), and include different implementations in cocoon-optional
> (adapters of Excalibur store for stores, Quartz
> job for reloaders).

What do you mean by 'reloaders' in this context?

Reinhard Pötz                           Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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