Reinhard Pötz wrote:
> The feedback of our student group was rather the opposite. I'm pretty
> sure that it helps to understand Cocoon 3 if all different pipeline
> component implementations follow the same logic.
Hmm, ok, I don't think so, so let's just agree that we disagree here.

> But of course my "survey" isn't really scientific ...
I haven't even done a survey but just did test myself :) From the past I
 know that many people were confused by all the interfaces and abstract
classes we had in Cocoon 2.x, but maybe that's different with a new C3.

> I'm not fully convinced yet. I will have a look at it again when I can
> apply the patch and can build Cocoon. I have some (internal) code that
> uses cocoon-sax and I want to understand all effects.
Apart from the stax stuff, it builds (at least for me) and the tests
run. I'll add a second patch which fixes the stax stuff.

> I'm also preparing a project proposal (GSoC, Vienna-based student
> groups) about "Cocoon profiling" which relies on Spring AOP and I have
> to think about the influence of not having SAXConsumer and SAXProducer
> anymore.
Hmm, I think this should still be possible.

Now, to be honest, I find the whole situation not very comfortable at
the moment. There are only a few contributing to C3 and nearly no other
comments. My intention is to have a small, nice and easy, pipeline api
which allows me to build sax pipelines. And I want to have as less
dependencies and as less stuff in their to make it understandable as
possible. I don't think that the symmetrie to the other implementations
helps us. But that's of course my personal opinion. I think we (Steven,
you, the Vienna-based students and myself) have a opinion and I guess it
is based on/influenced by our experience and we are somehow stuck in our
thinking. So it would be great if others could voice their opinion.


Carsten Ziegeler

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