Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> Hi Reinhard,
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Reinhard Pötz <> wrote:
>> ...The week before the ApacheCon we've kicked off our second student
>> project in cooperation with the Vienna University of Technology. The six
>> students will work on profiling support for Cocoon (see
>> and
> Just curious, who is "we"?

We comprises Steven and me.

> This sounds like a cool initiative, but I'm wondering what the roles
> are, are you mentoring those students and helping them shape their
> code into JIRA-able contributions? Or will they participate in
> discussion here once their problem analysis is done?

yes, I guess it will take the students 2 - 4 weeks to really understand
the problem and possible solutions. Then they will keep this list posted
with their insights, proposals and patches and everybody will get a
chance to comment. The plan is to work in 2 week iterations until the
end of June. This will mean about 4 - 6 public iterations.

> There's nothing hidden behind my question - just curious, with my
> Cocoon PMC member hat on, about the community aspects of this. Feel
> free to point me to previous discussions if I missed something.

Basically the same setting as last time (StAX pipelines).

The idea of working together on open source projects was developed by
Alexander Schatten, an assistant professor at the Vienna University of
Technology (TU), Werner Guttmann, my business partner and Castor
committer, Lukas Lang a student at the TU and colleague at Indoqa and me
at the beginning of the last year.

Werner already mentored two "Castor groups" last year and as said above
Steven and I also had one Cocoon (StAX) group
( So far all
projects were successful and we got a good feedback from the students:
They can solve real world problems, are guided by experienced developers
and get familiar with open source software development. They also
learned a lot when they had to discuss their ideas with Sylvain.

The project proposals they will be working on
are both available and any feedback on them and of course on the process
in general are very appreciated.

Reinhard Pötz                           Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member        

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