On 29/mar/10, at 00:10, Cédric Damioli wrote:


BTW, for the records (and eventually some "who use it" page), here at Anyware, we build an Open Source CMS around Cocoon 2.1, called Ametys (http://www.ametys.org), which is currently in its "3.0 beta" version, also leveraging JCR-Jackrabbit, Lucene and OSWorkflow.
We currently have about 50 live systems, handling 20000+ web sites.
So we'll continue to use and support Cocoon for many years !

Hei, this is very interesting to know :-)
I really would like to see how you dealt with implementation of JCR- related components! I tried to access [1] with no success, could you point me to a subversion repository? Thanks.


[1] http://viewvc.ametys.org/viewvc/ametys/trunk/cms/trunk

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