For all I know the serializer does not actually output anything directly.  It 
hands over the task to the transformerhandler and this is where the culprit 

There is no need to extend the current serializer if  I adapt the current way 
of working.

XmlSerializer, Html4Serializer and XhtmlSerializer are all just XmlSerializers 
with  a different set of properties and the current XMLSerializer class 
provides static methods to create them. It makes much more sense to add a 
static factory method for a html5 serializer  there as well.

The problem is that currently to actually have the transformerhandler output a 
doctype declaration you do need to pass I think a doctypepublic property but 
this cannot be empty from the looks of it:

    public XMLSerializer setDoctypePublic(String doctypePublic) {
        if (doctypePublic == null || EMPTY.equals(doctypePublic)) {
            throw new SetupException("A doctype-public has to be passed as 

        this.format.put(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC, doctypePublic);
        return this;

    public XMLSerializer setDoctypeSystem(String doctypeSystem) {
        if (doctypeSystem == null || EMPTY.equals(doctypeSystem)) {
            throw new SetupException("A doctype-system has to be passed as 

        this.format.put(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM, doctypeSystem);
        return this;


From: Jasha Joachimsthal []
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: HTML5 serializer

Ok, then create an HTML5Serializer that extends the current Serializer. An 
other solution would be to add a boolean that will output differently for html5 
but I'd prefer extension above a number of if statements.


On 6 January 2012 16:56, Robby Pelssers 
<<>> wrote:
I am using Cocoon2.2 but am planning to switch to C3 in the upcoming months.  
And  in my mail I was actually referring to C3.    You are right about what you 
write but I'd prefer to have a Serializer which follows the spec so I can just 
copy the output and validate it without errors and too many warnings at


From: Jasha Joachimsthal 
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: HTML5 serializer

Hey Robby,

which Cocoon version are you using for your project? In C2.1 and C2.2 there's 
not only a XMLSerializer but also an HTMLSerializer and XHTMLSerializer for 
their specific needs. So why not create your own HTML5Serializer?

In HTML5 the specification teams tried to specify what browsers were already 
doing instead of making a new theoretical specification. HTML5 should be 
backwards compatible with previous (X)HTML versions. This is the reason why 
some old elements are not deprecated but considered obsolete (remember marquee, 
it was so cool on Geocities).
The doctype doesn't really matter, browsers generally ignore the PUBLIC part in 
the doctype (apart from some hacks in IE going into quirks mode).
A good presentation about HTML5 is

Jasha Joachimsthal

Europe - Amsterdam - Oosteinde 11, 1017 WT Amsterdam - +31(0)20 522 
US - Boston - 1 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142 - +1 877 414 
4776<tel:%2B1%20877%20414%204776> (toll free)<>
On 6 January 2012 15:48, Robby Pelssers 
<<>> wrote:
Hi all,

I've been looking at how to add a HTML5 serializer to the project.

So far my investigations have led to add following code to 

    public static XMLSerializer createHTML5Serializer() {
        XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer();


        return serializer;

Using the HTML5 serializer in a test to print the output:

    public void testHTML5Serializer() throws Exception {
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

           new XMLGenerator("<html><head><title>serializer 

        String data = new String(baos.toByteArray());

Would print

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "XSLT-compat">
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>serializer test</title>

I read a number of articles describing the issues with serializing html5 and so 
far this was the best I could come up with which is not 100% conforming due to

*         Non matching doctype although it will not break in the browser  --> 
should be <!DOCTYPE html>

*         The charset should be <meta charset="UTF-8"/> according to html5 spec

Does anyone have more knowledge on this subject?


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