Hi Thorsten,

I assume with prior transformation process you are referring to the 
transformerhandler which insert the meta tag for the html use case. I also just 
stumbled across Michael Kay's reponse about serialization for html5 where he 

"The XSLT and XQuery WGs have taken the view that we will address serialization 
to HTML5 when HTML5 is finished; meanwhile WHAT WG seem to be claiming that 
"finished" is an obsolete concept and that HTML5 will remain under continuous 
change forever. Perhaps I'm misquoting them, but that's my understanding." 


But to wrap up what I'm trying to achieve here:

I want to be able to do following use cases:

* XML data --> transform using xslt to html5 --> serialize to html5
* stringtemplate generator --> serialize to html5

Preferably I want to be able to do so out-of-the-box with Cocoon3.  As you seem 
more acquainted with the topic what would need to be done to enable this?

Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Thorsten Scherler [mailto:scher...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 12:37 PM
To: dev@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: RE: HTML5 serializer

On Mon, 2012-01-09 at 08:32 +0100, Robby Pelssers wrote:
> Hi Thorsten,
> Adding <meta> in general is not a concern faik but setting the correct 
> encoding is. 
> Examples are 
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  for xml files

That is correct for the doc declaration. 

> And 
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> for html 
> files

nupp, that tag may be needed to be valid html5 but that is not the
concern of the serializer but the prior transformation process.

> So I was only referring to setting the correct encoding which can be 
> configured as a Serializer property.

Yes but that only goes in the PI and is used for the serialization.


> Robby
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thorsten Scherler [mailto:scher...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2012 10:28 PM
> To: dev@cocoon.apache.org
> Subject: RE: HTML5 serializer
> On Fri, 2012-01-06 at 19:56 +0100, Robby Pelssers wrote:
> > ....
> > So we’re almost there.   Do you have any suggestion how to accomplish
> > using the correct <meta charset=”utf-8”/>  ??  Or do you think that’s
> > not worth the effort?
> Hmm, actually that is not the concern of the serializer at all. The
> serializer merely adds DOCTYPE PI and not much more. So <meta> is
> nothing the serializer should add.
> salu2

Thorsten Scherler <thorsten.at.apache.org>
codeBusters S.L. - web based systems
<consulting, training and solutions>

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