On May 25, 2009, at 7:10 PM, Vince Bonfanti wrote:

I'm working on a Google App Engine/Java (GAE/J) plug-in for VFS (it's almost
done) and have a few questions:

1. Is the LRUFilesCache safe for production use? GAE/J won't allow using the default SoftRefFilesCache because it doesn't allow background threads. I've found a few really old messages saying things like "SoftRefFilesCache is the only implementation suitable for production use" and "other file
cache implementation might cause resouce leaks", etc.

To be honest, I've only glanced over these classes.

2. I might be interested in contributing my implementation, either as a 3rd party plug-in or to be included with the standard VFS package, but don't know how to go about this. Is there someone currently "in charge" of VFS?

This is an Apache project. The Apache Commons PMC manages all the Commons projects, but it is up to the committers to collectively make decisions. The normal route of contributing is to create a Jira issue and attach a patch. One of the VFS committers will review it and then comment on it one way or another. However, as this is a completely volunteer organization it is unpredictable how long that might take. If you continue to contribute and participate on this list the community will take notice and at some point might offer commit rights. See http://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html#meritocracy .


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