On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 4:43 PM, sebb <> wrote:
> On 5 December 2011 15:06, Simone Tripodi <> wrote:
>> Salut Henri,
>> if you need the Java6 APIs to provide a fresh new set of APIs to JEXL
>> users, I would be +1.
>> We recently accepted Java6 in Apache Cocoon since Oracle announced
>> Java 5 SE EOL (End Of Life) since 2009.
> Cocoon is a slightly different case, as it's probably not embedded in
> other components as much as Commons components are.

nope, new Cocoon3 has small commons components as well that allow
users embed it in a commons-xxx style, take a look at Christian's
experience on his blog post[1]

>> Anyway I would to point you to a message in the ASF Tika ML[1] where
>> describing the pros and cons about moving to Java6 - I wonder how many
>> users would still require Java4/5 to run JEXL.
> Exactly - but I'm not sure we'll find that out by asking on the
> developer list, where one would expect people to install the new
> versions of Java as they come out.
> If the argument is that Jexl users don't need it to run on Java 1.5,
> then a better place to ask the question might be the user list.

agreed, but I guess HenriB concern is on dev side as well, the
implicit question sounds clear to me: "is there any objection in the
dev community?"



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