
On 03/03/2012 02:21, Simone Tripodi wrote:
first of all: yes, I will play with this stuff as soon as I find the time :)
this is scaring... go Orb.io, go! :)

constant), but still there is one more step of indirection. So we would need
to test and compare performances, hopefully with acceptable results.
sounds it would be better if you implement that stuff in a branch to
keep both implementations, IMHO

sure :)

  * with the current approach: one interface for edge-weighted graphs
   (EdgeWeightedGraph, renaming the current WeightedGraph?), one for
   vertex-weighted graphs (VertexWeightedGraph) and maybe even one for
   weights on both edges and vertices (EdgeAndVertexWeightedGraph?) --
   not to talk about their counterparts with labels, etc;
  * with the proposed approach: a Graph would implement
   HasWeightsOnEdges and/or HasWeightsOnVertices -- and maybe also
   HasLabelsOnEdges if needed.
do you remember that we reintroduced the WeightedGraph just for the
type inference issue on fluent APIs in Eclipse, do you? ;) It would
have been worked otherwise as well dropping the WeightedGraph and
expressing types only on Vertex/Edges

that is right. On the other hand with "HasWeightedEdges" we could drop "WeightedEdge" and so on: one interface in, one out.

Or we could even save both approaches as alternative implementations. That is:

 * a set of interfaces: e.g. HasWeightedEdges#getWeight(edge),
   HasWeightedVertices#getWeight(vertex), etc.
 * #1 implementation with external properties: the graph keeps the
   mapping between edge/vertex and weight, so that any type can be used
   for edges/vertices
 * #2 classical implementation: we keep markers like WeightedEdge and
   WeightedVertex but only the graph knows about them. algorithms keep
   asking the graph for weights of edges/vertices, and the graph in
   turn asks the edge/vertex itself (passed as parameter).


I know that this kind of "mismatch" is not your favourite ;) but would you
really call "Operations" something which is just an "Addition" -- or
viceversa "DoubleWeightAddition" something that might later be expanded with
other operations?
I am confused now: this is what you did in the concrete implementation!

no, trying to be clearer: you propose to rename Monoid into WeightOperation, which is like renaming Addition into Operation. Or alternatively to call the current *WeightBaseOperations something like *WeightMonoid. In both cases I disagree because I would prefer to keep a clear distinction between single well-defined properties/operations (like Addition or Comparator) and the comprehensive implementation (e.g. DoubleWeightBaseOperations) that implements all the operations it can implement with Doubles.

Hoping we'll converge somewhere, maybe asymptotically ;)

time to sleep, cannot reply anymore, read tomorrow



On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 1:37 AM, Claudio Squarcella
<squar...@dia.uniroma3.it>  wrote:

what if that mapping function becomes a responsibility of WeightedGraph
And more generally, what if any property of vertices and/or edges is
moved to the containing graph?
that would imply that Graph implementations have to implement vertices
and/or edges metadata indexing, that would be anyway less performant
than accessing directly on metadata contained in current node/arc -
just count the number of time you should have to touch the adapted
data structures, of course will be at least one more than the actual.

that is absolutely right. Not asymptotically if the implementation is good
(hashmaps are already good enough with their read time which is basically
constant), but still there is one more step of indirection. So we would need
to test and compare performances, hopefully with acceptable results.

We could externalize all different graph properties to appropriate
interfaces (HasWeightsOnEdges, HasLabelsOnVertices, etc) and then each
algorithm specifies the needed input graph including the subset of
interfaces it needs to implement. We do something like that with weight
operations already.
I am worried that with that approach the number of interfaces would
proliferate like pollen during Spring, users - and devs - would get
easily lost

but that would happen anyway as soon as we implement an algorithm with
weights on vertices, right? Here are the options I see:

  * with the current approach: one interface for edge-weighted graphs
   (EdgeWeightedGraph, renaming the current WeightedGraph?), one for
   vertex-weighted graphs (VertexWeightedGraph) and maybe even one for
   weights on both edges and vertices (EdgeAndVertexWeightedGraph?) --
   not to talk about their counterparts with labels, etc;
  * with the proposed approach: a Graph would implement
   HasWeightsOnEdges and/or HasWeightsOnVertices -- and maybe also
   HasLabelsOnEdges if needed.

weights are something already complicated for being a simple concept,
please apologize for the little offtopic:

Zero, name of an element, contains `zero` method to get the zero (it
is still confusing to me), Monoid  extends Zero and Semigroup - given
the use inside graph math, Zero#zero and Semigroup#append can be moved
directly to Monoid and rename it as WeightOperation - does it remind
you something? :P

I can agree with most of what you say but I would still call the result
Monoid, or maybe even better Addition -- because that is what it is, a
Monoid representing the sum operation. "WeightOperation" sounds more like a
general "container" which can include Addition, Comparator, and maybe in the
near future Multiplication or who knows what -- which again is pretty much
what happens now with the wrappers for Double, Integer, etc.

I know that this kind of "mismatch" is not your favourite ;) but would you
really call "Operations" something which is just an "Addition" -- or
viceversa "DoubleWeightAddition" something that might later be expanded with
other operations?

Ciao and thanks for your feedback!



On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 10:22 PM, Claudio Squarcella
<squar...@dia.uniroma3.it>    wrote:

The weights can be external, too.  It's only a function from edge to
weight.  Your algorithm can take a function for its weights.  The files
library does it similar to this.

what if that mapping function becomes a responsibility of WeightedGraph
itself? And more generally, what if any property of vertices and/or edges
moved to the containing graph?

We could externalize all different graph properties to appropriate
interfaces (HasWeightsOnEdges, HasLabelsOnVertices, etc) and then each
algorithm specifies the needed input graph including the subset of
interfaces it needs to implement. We do something like that with weight
operations already.


On Mar 2, 2012 3:08 PM, "Ted Dunning"<ted.dunn...@gmail.com>      wrote:

Having weights on vertices is quite common.  Consider any probability
transition network.  The weight on each node is the probability of
that state and the weights on the edges are conditional probabilties.

Page rank is a related example of having weights on nodes.

On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Claudio Squarcella<
squar...@dia.uniroma3.it>      wrote:

Hi all,

  Claudio is aware also about algorithms where weights are associated
Vertex - he's preparing his PhD research on graphes - maybe he can
show us a more long-vision roadmap and evaluate benefits on
simplifying the design.

yes there are algorithms with weights on vertices. Of course those
weighted edges (like the ones already implemented) are much more
and frequently used, but still we cannot forget about that. Also,
on a secondary level, labels on vertices/edges are kind of important
many situations (including testing, debugging) where I think it is
keep them distinct from the standard "toString" method (you might want
represent only a subset of info in the label, etc).

Matthew Pocock suggested an alternative approach back in the days of
weight abstraction:

  * the graph itself is extremely simple and naked: no weights/labels
  * all properties are stored in some external structure, which I
   imagine composed of associative maps (Map<Edge, Weight>, etc etc).

He motivated the idea with a "personal use case": often graphs are
and reused with the same structure but different weights (and/or
etc). Now if James' question becomes a second use case, maybe it's the
right time to exhume that idea ;)


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Claudio Squarcella
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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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