On 1/05/15 10:22, Bruno P. Kinoshita wrote:
> Since I joined Commons I've had a special interest in [jelly] due to its 
> importance in the Jenkins project. 
> Jenkins uses a patched version of [jelly]. Kohsuke, creator of Jenkins, 
> is/was a Commons committer too, and submitted some issues. I intend to 
> investigate if that'd be doable fix the issues to a point that Jenkins can 
> drop the patched version, and [jelly] can be updated and released again. 

Hello Bruno,

if I remember well how the patches of Kohsuke landed, I remember I was
unable to apply them because they seemed to be breaking some of the
"standard command-line jelly". I think I remember that a pluggeable
context was discussed but, maybe, was not developed.

Thus, I can only encourage you to go ahead. I think it would be nice to
have both worlds working well with a single code base.

I have not been able to save cycles to address more issues of Jelly and
I know of some other folks, fellows in research in learning technology,
that were, looking forward to getting more releases of jelly at the time
I met them.

Hope it helps.
I am happy to help you if I can towards making it better.


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