On Tue, 29 Dec 2015 10:33:15 +0100, Luc Maisonobe wrote:
Hi all,

Le 29/12/2015 09:21, Thomas Neidhart a écrit :
On 12/29/2015 04:33 AM, Phil Steitz wrote:
On 12/28/15 8:08 PM, Gilles wrote:
On Mon, 28 Dec 2015 11:08:56 -0700, Phil Steitz wrote:
The significant refactoring to eliminate the (standard) next(int)
included in these changes has the possibility of introducing subtle
bugs or performance issues.  Please run some tests to verify that
the same sequences are generated by the 3_X code

IIUC our unit tests of the RNGs, this is covered.

No.  Not sufficient.  What you have done is changed the internal
implementation of all of the Bitstream generators.  I am not
convinced that you have not broken anything.  I will have to do the
testing myself.  I see no point in fiddling with the internals of
this code that has had a lot of eyeballs and testing on it.  I was
not personally looking forward to researching the algorithms to make
sure any invariants may be broken by these changes; but I am now
going to have to do this.  I have to ask why.  Please at some point
read [1], especially the sections on "Avoid Flexibility Syndrom" and
"Value Laziness as a Virtue."  Gratuitous refactoring drains
community energy.

+1, on top of that I think we should aim to refactor the parts that
really need refactoring

Though I could have liked to say as much on the parts of the library
were my changes were much criticized because they failed to produce
a perfect design (which the previous one wasn't either), I would have
refrained to tell volunteers what they should do or not.

and try to keep the number of incompatibilities
to the 3_X branch as minimal as possible.

I clearly and not surprisingly do not subscribe to that goal.
And the recent discussions about RERO and "experimental" releases
certainly were getting to a completely different consensus.


and the refactored
code and benchmarks to show there is no loss in performance.

Given that there are exactly two operations _less_ (a subtraction
and a shift), it would be surprising.

would also be good to have some additional review of this code by
PRNG experts.

The "nextInt()" code is exactly the same as the "next(int)" modulo
the little change above (in the last line of the "nextInt/next"

That change in "nextInt/next" implied similarly tiny recodings in
the generic methods "nextDouble()", "nextBoolean()", ... which, apart
from that, were copied from "BitsStreamGenerator".

[However tiny a change, I had made a mistake... and dozens of tests
started to fail. Found the typo and all was quiet again...]

About "next(int)" being standard, it would be interesting to know
what that means.

In all the papers I have read concerning pseudo random number
generation, the basic model was based on small chunks of bits,
much of the time the size of an int because this is what computer
manages directly (they have no provision to manage chunks of 5 or
11 bits for example).

Deriving other primitive types from this (boolean, long, double) is
really an add-on. I even asked an expert about the (Pierre L'Ecuyer
if I remember well) about some explanations for converting to double
(which is simply done by multiplying by a constant representing the
weight of the least significant bit in order to constrain the range to [0; 1]). His answer was that this ensured the theoretical mathematical
proofs that apply to uniform distribution still apply, as only this
case (uniformity over a multi-dimensional integral grid) has been
studied. It seems nothing has been studied about using the exponential
features of floating point representation in relationship with
double random number generation directly.

Hence everybody starts from int,

[Or a "long", as I could observe in some other source codes.]

Hence, do you agree that my move to "nextInt()" was a sensible one?

and the mathematicians proved us
this method works and some properties are preserved (multi-dimensional
independance, long period, ...) that are essential typically for
Monte-Carlo analyses.

I know nothing about random number generation for secure application
like cryptograpgy, except that it requires completely different
properties, often completely opposite to what is needed for
Monte-Carlo analysis. As an example, it should be impossible to
reproduce a secure sequence (it cannot be deterministic), whereas in
Monte-Carlo we *want* it to be reproducible if we reuse the same seed.

Have a look at the source code for the JDK generators, for example.
As I indicated quite clearly in one of my first posts about this
1. all the CM implementations generate random bits in batches
   of 32 bits, and
2. before returning, the "next(int bits)" method was truncating
   the generated "int":
     return x >>> (32 - bits);

In all implementations, that was the only place where the "bits"
parameter was used, from which I concluded that the randomness
provider does not care if the request was to create less than 32
random bits.
Taking "nextBoolean()" for example, it looks like a waste of 31
bits (or am I missing something?).

Quite possibly, yes, you are missing something.

I would guess it is linked to performance consideration. Pseudo
random number generation is sometimes put under very heavy stress
with billions of numbers generated. It should run extremelly fast,
and the algorithms have been designed to have tremendously long periods
(things like 2^19937 -1). With such long periods, we can waste 31
bits each time we produce 1 bit if it saves some overhead.

Hence I did not misunderstand that bits are wasted (and I guess will
always be if performance is dependent on the CPU architecture).

IIUC the CM code, discarding those bits was unnecessary since the
discarded ones were never used (and I guess could never be, as they
are replaced by a non-random sequence of zeroes...).
Hence I suppose that a bug could exist if the caller assumes that the
most significant bits of the returned "int" were all zero.
But nothing of the like can be inferred from the documentation of the
"standard" method:

Thanks, Luc for constructive comments,

best regards,

Of course, if some implementation were able to store the bits not
requested by the last call to "next(int)", then I'd understand that
we must really provide access to a "next(int)" method.

Perhaps that the overhead of such bookkeeping is why the practical
algorithms chose to store integers rather than bits (?).

As you dismissed my request about CM being able to care for a RNG
implementation based on a "long", I don't quite understand the
caring for a "next(int)" that serves no more purpose (as of current

This change is



On 12/28/15 10:23 AM, er...@apache.org wrote:
Repository: commons-math
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 7b62d0155 -> 81585a3c4


New base class for RNG implementations.
The source of randomness is provided through the "nextInt()"
method (to be defined in subclasses).


[1] http://www.apachecon.com/eu2007/materials/ac2006.2.pdf

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