There is no need to maintain BC since 2.0 is not out. Changing package
names and Maven coordinates must also happen hand in hand. Changing one
means changing the other.


On Nov 5, 2016 1:37 PM, "Thomas Vandahl" <> wrote:

> Hi Oliver,
> On 05.11.16 21:18, Oliver Heger wrote:
> > It seems that there are many breaking changes between this release and
> > beta1; for instance, the clirr report for the core component lists
> > numerous errors. Is it not against Commons policy to publish
> > incompatible artifacts with the same maven and package coordinates to
> > Maven central?
> I thought that is why we call it "beta"? It basically boils down again
> to the question what should be considered a public API (which btw hasn't
> changed since beta-1).
> I have no problem with changing the coordinates but I'm pretty sure that
> the next iteration to 2.0 final will introduce more incompatibilities
> and we may run out of coordinates...
> As I see it, we are still in the transition from 1.3
> (org.apache.jcs:jcs) to 2.0 (org.apache.commons.jcs:commons-jcs-core)
> but I'm ready to change whatever is necessary to get this out of the door.
> Bye, Thomas.
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