On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 12:13 PM, Gilles <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org>

> Hello.
> IMO, it would make sense that the next release of Commons
> Math (v4.0) depend on "Commons Numbers" (v1.0 ?) and
> Commons RNG (v1.1).
> Could people who volunteered for moving/refactoring the
> codes provide some status information and expected roadmap
> for getting to a state where release of the existing modules
> could be considered?
>  * commons-numbers-core
>     - Which other classes (namely from "o.a.c.math4.utils")
>       yet to add?
>  * commons-numbers-complex
>     - Add "Complex" solvers (?)
>  * commons-numbers-fraction
>     - Add "ContinuedFraction" (?)

Looks like a good match to me.

>  * commons-numbers-quaternion
> The purpose is of course to drop the corresponding CM packages.
> New modules to consider for Commons Numbers:
>  * commons-numbers-combinatorics
>  * commons-numbers-jdkmath (from "o.a.c.m.util.FastMath")
>     - Or drop "FastMath" altogether?
>       Cf. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MATH-740

My inclination would be to drop it based on the discussion in the
referenced issue

>  * commons-numbers-arrays (from "o.a.c.m.util.MathArrays")

Also DoubleArray and ResizableDoubleArray

>  * commons-numbers-primes (from "o.a.c.m.primes")

This looks like a natural fit for numbers.

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