On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:19 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz
<bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> We don't seem to have a place for cross-cutting technical discussions
> at the ASF - language and system issues, standards implementations,
> etc.
> To fix this, I suggest creating a public t...@apache.org list, owned
> by comdev, with the following rules:
> -Technical discussions on cross-cutting topics that are directly
> related to Apache projects
> -Each new thread MUST have one or several [markers] in the subject
> line to identify the topics. For example, [java], [osgi], [linux] etc.
> I volunteer to get the list started, as an experiment.

I certainly could see the value of facilitating cross-project
discussion on areas of common interest.  Presumably the list would be
open to the public, not limited to committers, so the opportunity for
bad behavior increases.  (The potential number of people to flame on
an Apache Pig technical topic is far smaller than the number
able/willing to do the same on a general topic like "Python versus

Farmers know that large hay stacks are susceptible to spontaneous
combustion.  I wonder whether multiple smaller lists, maybe including
reviving some existing but little known lists, might work better?  For
example, tech-java, tech-cpp, tech-standards, etc.  That also makes
the discussion more cohesive and potentially more relevant to the



> -Bertrand

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