Thanks Leif,

I glanced over the content on the link you sent. All looks good. However,
please note that you need approval from trademarks to run this event. Don't
worry, everything looks in order and it's a lazy consensus thing as long as
the PMC has approved the event, as is the case here). See (specifically

In terms of how event in a box would have helped you, if you have any
specific observations we would love to here them. We can't promise to
provide everything, but we'll do our best.

In addition, if there are any specific "I wish I had known..." items
dropping them in an email for us (even in bullet form) would be really


Ross Gardler (@rgardler)
Senior Technology Evangelist
Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
A subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation

On 20 September 2013 10:09, Leif Hedstrom <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> just read RB's post to members@, and figure we'd share our little
> "summit" coming up in October. It's not big, but something that an "Event
> in  Box" concept would have helped organizing (and perhaps making better,
> we'll share the results after the summit). More details at
> Cheers!
> -- Leif

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