Thank you so much for taking the time to hit down your thoughts for the
event in a box. We'll include this in the project and hopefully have
something concrete to help with some of the items.

I do have a question for you. If the ASF provided the necessary
equipment and accounts for you to record and stream the event do you
have any idea how many more people would have benefited from your event?


Sent from my Windows Phone From: Leif Hedstrom
Sent: 10/29/2013 13:38
Subject: Re: Heads-up: Traffic Server summit in October 2013
On Sep 20, 2013, at 8:41 PM, Leif Hedstrom <> wrote:

>> In terms of how event in a box would have helped you, if you have any
>> specific observations we would love to here them. We can't promise to
>> provide everything, but we'll do our best.
> Yep, let me collect that and reply in a few days or so.

Alright, so we completed our Summit. Overall, it was pretty successful
I think, about 40 people attended at least one of the 2 days. Below
are some of the thoughts I collected while organizing this.


— Leif

The below is also shared via this Evernote link:

        • One of the most frustrating things to deal with is getting
appropriate A/V equipment (and software / accounts / services) to be
able to allow for remote participation. Some ideas could be to provide
                • Actual hardware such as cameras, high end microphones 
microphones would be good), or going hog wild, advanced TP devices.
                • Software as appropriate for helping with this (streaming / 
group chats etc.)
                • Perhaps get account(s) with service providers such as YouTube
event streaming (closed beta I think?), WebEx, Cisco/Tandberg TP or

        • A check list for all things that *must* be done per ASF
requirements (e.g. trademarks).
        • Check list for other things that the organizer should be aware of. 
                • Session schedules
                • Session Chairs
                • Where to post these schedules
        • How to get the word out in general. PR / Press help.
        • Tools / sites to help with registrations, schedules, calendar, and
such planning

        • How (if any) help can people get from Travel budget. How would an
organizer look into this ?
        • Sponsoring in general. This is a big void for me personally, we’re
lucky to have PMC members who can get lunches and locations for our
meetings :).

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