On 30 October 2013 08:31, Ross Gardler <rgard...@opendirective.com> wrote:

> Thank you so much for taking the time to hit down your thoughts for the
> event in a box. We'll include this in the project and hopefully have
> something concrete to help with some of the items.
> I do have a question for you. If the ASF provided the necessary
> equipment and accounts for you to record and stream the event do you
> have any idea how many more people would have benefited from your event?

If I may input a side note, even though the question was not directed

I, like many others, cannot afford to participate in many (or any)
conferences. Having a stream available afterwards, enables me to virtually
participate. The stream(s) need only be the important parts, like key
speech, panel discussion, important technical presentations.

Also slowly building a video catalog of important conferences/speeches
would help promote ASF, and serve as a knowledge base.

just my opinion.
jan I.

> Ross
> Sent from my Windows Phone From: Leif Hedstrom
> Sent: 10/29/2013 13:38
> To: dev@community.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Heads-up: Traffic Server summit in October 2013
> On Sep 20, 2013, at 8:41 PM, Leif Hedstrom <zw...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> In terms of how event in a box would have helped you, if you have any
> >> specific observations we would love to here them. We can't promise to
> >> provide everything, but we'll do our best.
> >
> > Yep, let me collect that and reply in a few days or so.
> Alright, so we completed our Summit. Overall, it was pretty successful
> I think, about 40 people attended at least one of the 2 days. Below
> are some of the thoughts I collected while organizing this.
> Cheers,
> — Leif
> The below is also shared via this Evernote link:
> https://www.evernote.com/shard/s29/sh/dd0155ff-21f6-47f1-84a1-fb74b56241aa/38e3021c87c54e22dac3f871fd4ce08d
> Equipment:
>         • One of the most frustrating things to deal with is getting
> appropriate A/V equipment (and software / accounts / services) to be
> able to allow for remote participation. Some ideas could be to provide
>         •
>                 • Actual hardware such as cameras, high end microphones
> (satellite
> microphones would be good), or going hog wild, advanced TP devices.
>                 • Software as appropriate for helping with this (streaming
> / group chats etc.)
>                 • Perhaps get account(s) with service providers such as
> YouTube
> event streaming (closed beta I think?), WebEx, Cisco/Tandberg TP or
> Citrix.
> Administration
>         • A check list for all things that *must* be done per ASF
> requirements (e.g. trademarks).
>         • Check list for other things that the organizer should be aware
> of. Examples:
>                 • Session schedules
>                 • Session Chairs
>                 • Where to post these schedules
>         • How to get the word out in general. PR / Press help.
>         • Tools / sites to help with registrations, schedules, calendar,
> and
> such planning
> Knowledge
>         • How (if any) help can people get from Travel budget. How would an
> organizer look into this ?
>         • Sponsoring in general. This is a big void for me personally,
> we’re
> lucky to have PMC members who can get lunches and locations for our
> meetings :).

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