Great feedback folks.

Couple of items to add to the list:

  - pack of various display port adaptors
  - Travel converters (to address Isabel's observation regarding different
power requirements)

Remember that the goal here is to have a single kit that can be sent from
event to event with minimal effort. So the fact that an item needed for
event type Foo but not Bar should still be included. Having said that, it
might be a good idea to have two boxes - the minimal box with the
essentials and the maximum box with everything else and space for the
minimal. This way we can avoid needlessly shipping unwanted stuff.

Isabel - you make a really good point with respect to "clever shortcuts". I
hope that you (and others) can bring your valuable experience to bear and
help make sure those clever shortcuts get into the kit. I suggest we wait
for Melissa to write the first draft then we weigh in with a "helpful
hints" section.


Ross Gardler (@rgardler)
Senior Technology Evangelist
Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
A subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation

On 4 October 2013 02:20, Isabel Drost-Fromm <> wrote:

> On Thursday, October 03, 2013 04:17:33 PM Melissa Warnkin wrote:
> > Physical
> > Content List:
> > [...]
> >       * Extension cords….how many and what length????
> Keep in mind that depending on where the event takes place it might be
> easier
> to buy the local ones locally.
> > Please keep in mind that this is an initial draft, and not a
> comprehensive
> > and/or guaranteed list!! I welcome feedback from your past experiences
> from
> > the events that you have coordinated!! Is there anything that I missed,
> or
> > anything on the list above that was not needed??!!
> From my personal experience: For anything that is not a Barcamp, the stuff
> for
> the scheduling grid is not needed.
> Concerning WiFi Routers: That may be an advantage of being in Berlin: I
> never
> bothered to set up a separate WiFi for the smaller events but rather went
> for
> locations that provided open access points - co-working spaces usually work
> well, universities in Germany not so much. With 3G everywhere the need for
> WiFi at local events is not quite so urgent anymore except for hacking
> events.
> When making an Apache related event, I generally find it convenient to have
> stickers/buttons to give away - people keep asking me where I got the
> stickers
> on my laptop from. Potentially add flyers to give to people (basic
> information
> on the ASF, upcoming events, whatever we want to promote). Depending on
> where
> the event takes place, getting such flyers printed might be less trouble
> when
> done locally.
> > I welcome feedback based on your past experiences that you think will
> help
> > others in the future with their events!!
> Tell them lots about the positive feedback they will get - don't tell them
> too
> much about the time it *might* take to setup: a) With some clever shortcuts
> the effort needed can be reduced substantially and b) In general the
> positive
> feedback you get weighs much more than any time put into the event ;)
> Isabel

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