Agreed. Commits/ML traffic would be nice on a per-project basis.

Beyond that: detailed analytics tools for all projects would be such a
boon from a community management perspective. I've long since thought
about writing some of these myself.

No need to get it perfect at the outset. It's something that could be
improved over time.

On 3 October 2014 12:50, Pierre Smits <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently we exchanged some thoughts (twitter and otherwise) regarding the
> status of Apache top level projects and about how the reporting by the ASF
> to the projects and the wider communities could be improved.
> Currently the status pages at regarding project
> health (commit activity and mailing lists) don't allow drill down into
> individual projects. Is it achievable to get this kind of functionality?
> Can we (as the ASF) also provide insights in number of people joining and
> leaving the mailing lists of the projects and show what the trending topics
> over the periods?
> But also reporting on average depth and width of mailing list threads?
> I do believe that these kind of insights will help monitoring project health
> and investigate where projects can improve regarding community building.
> Best regards,
> Pierre Smits
> Services & Solutions for Cloud-
> Based Manufacturing, Professional
> Services and Retail & Trade

Noah Slater

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