Majority voting, regarding on and offboarding of people, is less subject of
abuse - when it comes to get to a resolution -  than the veto mechanism.

Pierre Smits

Services & Solutions for Cloud-
Based Manufacturing, Professional
Services and Retail & Trade

On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 4:26 PM, jan i <> wrote:

> On 21 March 2015 at 15:24, Pierre Smits <> wrote:
> > Again, this is not about the veto mechanism for the technical works of
> the
> > project. This is about onboarding of new people, this is about community
> > development.
> >
> > Voting is not a technicality or formality when it comes to people. It is
> > the ultimate means to get to a resolution. We can discuss all we want,
> but
> > there are times when discussing doesn't lead to some kind of resolution
> > (consensus or implicit acceptance). When the discussion heats up, it
> often
> > leads to 'I am right and you are wrong' to and fro. When that happens
> > voting will bring a resolution. But then a veto is the ultimate 'my way
> and
> > I won't budge' variant in stead of seeking the compromise. In the case of
> > people (both onboarding and offboarding) it doesn't help to move a
> project
> > forward. It is a postponer, a show stopper.
> >
> > In a posting above it said that the PMC of a project is free to define it
> > own ruleset regarding the way that project operates. But that freedom is
> > bound by the principles of the Apache Software Foundation. Principles
> (and
> > changes thereon) that are voted upon by the members of the ASF. This
> > platform is the place to discuss the aspects of community development in
> a
> > broader sense. Like we did when the topic of the project maturity model
> > came up. This is another topic in that broader sense of building mature
> > projects.
> >
> you are right this is the platform to discuss these matters, but you are
> wrong that there is
> a policy or principle that the vote for new committers/need to allow a
> veto.
> What you refer to is a recommendation ! Is you follow projects you will
> from time to time
> see projects forward a suggested PMC extension to the board (Board has to
> acknowledge
> every PMC extension, with a 72 hour delay) without having had a vote, but
> just refer to
> a consensus thread.
> So I do not understand the problem, if your PMC wants not to include veto
> in PMC/Committer go
> ahead and do so. My personal opinion (my policy or ...) is that if a PMC
> have had a discussion and then
> someone gives a -1 in the vote, there is a community problem not a policy
> problem.
> >
> > Why the need to talk specifics? This is not about finger pointing or
> naming
> > and shaming. And if it were, it shouldn't be done here but in a private
> > message to the board. And I trust that the board has ample means to take
> > appropriate actions.
> >
> Sorry it was not to offend you, but simply to get a better understanding of
> what the problem really is,
> as said above if your PMC does not like veto then donĀ“t use it, nobody
> forces you to use it.
> If the problem is you want to change the recommendation, then it might be a
> good idea to talk about a
> specific change to a specific page.
> rgds
> jan I.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Pierre Smits
> >
> > *ORRTIZ.COM <>*
> > Services & Solutions for Cloud-
> > Based Manufacturing, Professional
> > Services and Retail & Trade
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 2:42 PM, Mike Kienenberger <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Have you read
> > >
> > > As others have said, the idea is always to build consensus rather than
> > > force a result.   I guess I've been fortunate in that the projects in
> > > which I've been most active have always been more interested in
> > > consensus than individuals forcing a result.   This does add what
> > > seems to be a bit of bureaucracy at first glance.  For example, we
> > > "vote" about taking a vote for committers and PMC members (others
> > > above have called it "DISCUSS").   And if we aren't going to be
> > > unanimous in our decision to add in a new committer or PMC member,
> > > then we've always decided to postpone the vote until the individual
> > > overcomes whatever caused the objection.
> > >
> > > I think the reason that code commits can be vetoed is to prevent
> > > dangerous situations.  Projects can't afford to delay dealing with
> > > security issues or licensing issues.   I've been on the PMC for two
> > > different projects for a decade, and to my recollection we've never
> > > had a code veto.   As far as I know, there's only been a threat of a
> > > veto one time in those 20 project-years of time, and it was by me.  I
> > > used the threat of veto with a specific committer who had been asked
> > > before to not make behavioral changes to the code in the same commit
> > > where he reformatted every line of the file.   It was making it
> > > impossible to review his code changes.
> > >
> > > Veto is there for emergencies, not for bending others to your technical
> > > vision.
> > >
> > > And yes, we've had some disagreements about how things should be done
> > > technically, but the final decision usually came down to either "I'm
> > > willing to do the work" or putting it on hold.
> > >
> > >
> > > On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 7:00 AM, Pierre Smits <>
> > > wrote:
> > > > If the majority perceives that a nominee is an obstructionist then it
> > > will
> > > > be reflected in the voting result. But if the minority - or even only
> > one
> > > > voter - perceives that and others don't, then a veto would be a show
> > > > stopper for innovation, expansion and merit recognition c.q.
> privilege
> > > > awarding.
> > > >
> > > > I wonder how it can be that democracy is perceived worse than any
> other
> > > > cracy when it comes to people in open source projects in general and
> > ASF
> > > > projects in particular. Mature projects shouldn't need to have such a
> > > > mechanism when it comes to people. And it doesn't seem to fit in he
> > > Apache
> > > > Way.
> > > >
> > > > Best regards
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Pierre Smits
> > > >
> > > > *ORRTIZ.COM <>*
> > > > Services & Solutions for Cloud-
> > > > Based Manufacturing, Professional
> > > > Services and Retail & Trade
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 5:24 AM, Alex Harui <>
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> Consensus Approval works great until you have someone who others
> > rightly
> > > >> or wrongly perceive as an obstructionist.  Then it just makes the
> > whole
> > > >> project the loser.
> > > >>
> > > >> At least one project uses majority approval for new members, but a
> > > serious
> > > >> attempt is made to make sure that the vote is unanimous anyway.
> Those
> > > in
> > > >> opposition deserve to be listened to, but if there are only one or
> two
> > > >> against and lots more in favor, then majority approval avoids long
> > > threads
> > > >> trying to persuade the one or two.  Sure discussing more to achieve
> > > >> Consensus can be better, but you can also lose momentum of the
> > committer
> > > >> candidate and momentum of the rest of the community.
> > > >>
> > > >> The -1 vote is an alluring drug.  It can be misused by individuals
> > who,
> > > >> consciously or not, cannot avoid the temptation to have control
> rather
> > > >> than to collaborate.  But really make sure you listen.  History is
> > full
> > > of
> > > >> disasters caused by not listening to that one person.
> > > >>
> > > >> -Alex
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > >
> >

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