On 1 July 2015 at 07:02, Hervé BOUTEMY <herve.bout...@free.fr> wrote:
> I asked about it one week ago (with analysis of the VM state), but got no
> answer.
> Seems the only one to know is Daniel, and he doesn't check this ML or doesn't
> have time.
> I have access to the VM: it was given for projects-new.
> Technically, I can change reporter too, but since we're starting from an
> unexpected status (no svn checkout, files on the VM that are not part of svn),

If you can create a copy of the files on the VM I could ensure any
local changes are reflected in SVN.
It would help also to have details of the crontab entries.

> I didn't want to change the VM content without asking before.
> At the moment, I want to finish projects new switch: then I'll probably have
> more time to help on reporter.
> Regards,
> Hervé
> Le mardi 30 juin 2015 01:20:46 sebb a écrit :
>> Reporter.apache.org is showing misleading PMC membership data.
>> As this is used in board reports, it really ought to be fixed ASAP.
>> However the fixes I made to SVN have not been applied, and there is no
>> documentation I could find on how the host has been set up - nor how
>> the faulty data is generated.
>> Who is responsible for maintaining the host and updating the software on it?

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