On 14 July 2015 at 09:06, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 13/07/2015 jan i wrote:
>> who takes lead on keeping an eye on the FOSDEM team?
> I usually monitor that, and I can notify this list too this year (even
> though now is way too early for me to have any ideas about my possible
> commitment to an OpenOffice and/or and Apache presence).
thanks a lot for volunteering to help keep a finger on the pulse.

It might be that you do not have any idea about the AOO presence, but it
seems I am in a more lucky position, because I know we will have a
presence, either the stehmanns will do their normal elegant job, or I will
personally represent AOO at the booth.

> For reference: last year the call was mid-September with a deadline of
> mid-November and the conference was in late January like this year.
The dates I have been told are saturday 30 january 2016 to sunday 31
january 2016.

I hereby volunteer to be the pointman at FOSDEM (if somebody else wants to
do I am pleased to hand it over). So lets start discuss what we want:
- AOO traditionally has a double table on the first floor, I would would
like (as ASF and AOO) to get 4 tables in the ground floor.
- if we have enough projects, we can try and make a Apache dev.room (AOO
might prefer to be in open editors room). Is it ok if I write to all PMCS
asking for
  interest ?
- The table need to be manned throughout both days, I can supply materials
(I will coordinate with melissa and sally), but we need 2-3 persons extra,
volunteers ?
- swag will be supplied from the european logistic center (me :-) ).

Now the more soft parts:
- Which message to do we want to bring across ? just that we exist or more ?
- Is the booth a place for people to join Apache, or just a "we exist, go
and look us up" ?
- Do the projects present at FOSDEM, want to help on the booth, and maybe
have some "why join us" folders ?

Looking forward to hear what you think.

Please if somebody feel I bully by taking lead, please tell me so and I
will step down.
jan i.

> Regards

> ,
>   Andrea.

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