The recent spammers have used quite unusual e-mail addresses, with
very long numbers in them.

On 19 August 2015 at 23:18, Ulrich Stärk <> wrote:
> So how would you distinguish a spammer's subscription request from that of a 
> valid user? I certainly
> can't from looking at the email address alone.
> Uli
> On 17.08.15 14:46, sebb wrote:
>> On 17 August 2015 at 10:52, Gavin McDonald <> wrote:
>>> So I checked the config for dev@community and it is set up as a normal dev@ 
>>> list operates.
>>> Therefore anyone can subscribe to the list and post.
>>> The only thing we can do here is change it to subscription moderation - 
>>> that is an on|off switch so therefore
>>> ALL subscription requests will have to be approved by a moderator.
>>> If you are ok with that I can make the change .
>> +1 from me.
>>> I checked the logs and it looks like a mod has removed the subscription for 
>>> the user in this thread.
>> That was me, sorry forgot to let the list know.
>>> Let me know,
>>> Gav…
>>>> On 17 Aug 2015, at 9:48 am, Ross Gardler <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Not sure if it's possible (you reply made me think I may be mixing up 
>>>> Google Groups features with our lists)
>>>> Sent from my Windows Phone
>>>> From: jan i <>
>>>> Sent: ‎8/‎17/‎2015 1:44 AM
>>>> To: <>
>>>> Cc: Roman Shaposhnik <>; Apache Infrastructure 
>>>> <>
>>>> Subject: Re: What is the legal basis for enforcing release policies at ASF?
>>>> On 17 August 2015 at 10:24, Ross Gardler < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Moderating first posts would be better.
>>>> +1 to that solution (did not know that was possible), that way the
>>>> moderators to not get overloaded with work.
>>>> Alternative would be to allow apache ID, and moderate others.
>>>> rgds
>>>> jan i.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: sebb [ <>]
>>>>> Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 1:22 AM
>>>>> To: Roman Shaposhnik < <>>
>>>>> Cc: ComDev < <>>; 
>>>>> Apache Infrastructure <
>>>>> <>>
>>>>> Subject: Re: What is the legal basis for enforcing release policies at 
>>>>> ASF?
>>>>> This is a new subscription (send an e-mail to dev-log@community.a.o 
>>>>> <mailto:dev-log@community.a.o> for
>>>>> details)
>>>>> Perhaps we need to consider moderated subscriptions for this list.
>>>>> On 16 August 2015 at 21:33, Roman Shaposhnik < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> This email echoing keeps happening. I thought we've dealt with it, no?
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: 田義忠 < <>>
>>>>>> Date: Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 1:27 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: What is the legal basis for enforcing release policies at
>>>>> ASF?
>>>>>> To: " <>" 
>>>>>> < <>>
>>>>>> 從我的 iPhone 傳送
>>>>>>> Roman Shaposhnik < <>> 於 
>>>>>>> 2015年8月17日 04:25 寫道:
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 3:59 PM, Shane Curcuru < 
>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 8/7/15 7:53 AM, Niclas Hedhman wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Bill,
>>>>>>>>> So I can release "Niclas Hadoop platform, based on Apache Hadoop"
>>>>>>>>> ?? I thought the discussion a few years ago was that this was
>>>>> misleading...
>>>>>>>> No, you cannot.  See our actual trademark policy:
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> <>%2ffoundation%2fmarks%2ffaq%2f%23products&data=01%7c01%7c
>>>>>>>> <>%7c53be77cdd3ef4dca285308d2a6dced17%7c72
>>>>>>>> f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7c1&sdata=DdcuJh%2bbhphaiy7yoW%2f2caG
>>>>>>>> y15TIxfrsXg1V%2fHh9Jsg%3d
>>>>>>>> Our release policy, as Roman originally asked about, applies only to
>>>>>>>> ASF projects, and has no bearing on third parties.  However our
>>>>>>>> trademark policy, and trademark law, prevents third parties from
>>>>>>>> publicly providing software using our trademarks.
>>>>>>>> Our operational policies only apply to our projects, just like any
>>>>>>>> other corporation.  Some policies, like our license itself and our
>>>>>>>> formal trademark policy, inform the rest of the world how they are
>>>>>>>> allowed to use our websites, software code, and brands.
>>>>>>>> Make sense?
>>>>>>> It does, but our relationships with downstream Linux vendors (just to
>>>>>>> take the most obvious example) set a very confusing precedent.
>>>>>>> Shane, if would be super helpful if you took a look at:
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> <>.
>>>>>>> org%2fsearch%2fsubversion& 
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> %7c53be77cdd3ef4dca285308d2a6dced17%7c72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db4
>>>>>>> 7%7c1&sdata=BEHyTF%2b6dOsaARgvSX3%2bp1gWPkiVjbg7wODXVv2tzA8%3d
>>>>>>> and pubished your narrative of how the ASF branding policies apply in
>>>>>>> both cases.
>>>>>>> The 3 projects I'm picking represent a pretty diverse set of cases of
>>>>>>> how PMCs are conducting themselves.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Roman.
>>> Gav...
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>>> \__| \_,_||_|  \___|

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