On 02/07/2016 11:34 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
> +1, +1, etc.
> Apache OpenOffice is overflowing with opportunities to make use of this.
> I did not notice a way to indicate that a task has been "taken" or is 
> completed/withdrawn.

in the 'edit tasks' menu ( https://helpwanted.apache.org/admin/ ) you
can mark any task as done when someone has started working on it, and
it'll then disappear from the list of open tasks.

> (I could have missed it.)
> I assume a potential GSoC mini-project could be identified in the title or 
> short description, with a link to the JIRA place for further details?  The 
> offer of mentoring could be there too.

Exactly, you could simply make a task called "GSoC: Make stuff work" and
then link to a JIRA/BZ entry with more details.

> Each project could have their own FAQ about general necessities of 
> contribution how to prepare/start, by subproject area if needed, tied into 
> wherever the project-level widget is displayed.

Yeah, my plan is to have projects come up with a short guide on how to
contribute to their projects, and have that added to the detailed task
page (when someone clicks "I'm interested in this"). Contributions are
most welcome here, I'm not sure what to write :)

With regards,

> The breakdown into areas of contribution is very nice.
>  - Dennis
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Daniel Gruno [mailto:humbed...@apache.org]
>> Sent: Sunday, February 7, 2016 08:23
>> To: dev@community.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Help Wanted! (it's a title, not a request!)
>> On 02/07/2016 05:13 PM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
>>> I like!
>> Yay! Glad to hear this :)
>>> One suggestion that does not add complexity, but just a little bit of
>>> text. Try to quantify the Difficulty levels. Is "Journeyman" harder or
>>> easier than "Intermediate"? Similarly, how do "Advanced" and "Expert"
>>> compare? I suggest fewer Difficulty options, with a one sentence
>>> explanation of each.
>> I picked 5 because 3 sounded like too few (too big a jump between
>> them?). There is an icon next to the difficulty level that shows which
>> 'level' it is, from green (easy) to red (very hard). Maybe I need to
>> make that more visible?.
>> An explanation sounds like a great idea, and we can add that as a
>> tooltip in the widget overview and as a line of text in the actual task
>> details. I can get started on that right away, whereas changing to use 3
>> levels might take some getting used to for me (and a bit of work to
>> rework the existing system down to 3 levels instead of 5).
>> Or hm, what about a small (?) next to the level which shows you what we
>> expect this level to signify.?
>> With regards,
>> Daniel.
> [ ... ]

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