Hi Daniel,

great stuff. Since the first guy showed up on the Tomcat list, I noticed that two of the items contain a link to the same bugzilla, and that bugzilla isn't related to any of the two items. Items 7 and 9 link to https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=53121.



Am 07.02.2016 um 17:01 schrieb Daniel Gruno:
Hi ComDev folks! Ramblings incoming :)

As an aside to the 'Guiding volunteers' thread, I was talking with Rich
(Bowen) while he was at DevConf this weekend, and we got to thinking
whether it was possible to make a tiny tool that would solve one
specific issue we often come across when someone says "I know X, Y and Z
- What can I do to help Apache?".

Traditionally, we've said "subscribe to our mailing list (which one?!)"
or "Go look at JIRA/BugZilla", which in itself is fine, but off-putting
to many people as we don't actively use neither MLs or bug trackers to
advertise what we want done, and what tech/person skills would be
helpful where (we're terrible!). Furthermore, it is our
opinion/assessment that bug trackers are not that great from a "skills
-> tasks" perspective. While great for bugs and larger tasks for an
existing audience, they don't provide the right overview or search
features that one could want, and keeping some sort of uniform setup for
these tasks across the ASF is going to be a LOT of work.

...If only we had somewhere someone could just go and say "I'm great at
marketing and documentation, what tasks are there that I can do?" and
then get 10 different requests across 6 projects, some that you could
start on right away and some that require more intimate knowledge with
the project.

...Or the experienced C/Python programmer that wants to know which tasks
at Apache they could hack on as a good introduction to that project,
while at the same time helping the project accomplish something new.

...Oh, and wouldn't it be nifty if we could have a widget we could place
on our web site that lists what we as a project or foundation are
looking for right now in terms of work to be done, so when people visit
our page, they can see that "hey, we're looking for a web dev guru - is
that you?" ?

Enter 'Help Wanted!'. It's a very small (and very much work-in-progress)
tool that you can use to browse the tasks that all the Apache projects
would like to get done, see the difficulty of it, language (whether
spoken/written or programming) skills needed, what it's about and
who/how to contact. You can also use the HW widget to plug your own
project's requests into your web site, or you can display all the
current tasks waiting in the system across the ASF. 350+ initiatives,
170+ TLPs, one uniform hub for requests that can help people get started
with Apache.

The code is "live" at: https://helpwanted.apache.org/
A test widget is here: https://helpwanted.apache.org/wtest.html
(the test widget shows what it could look like on the httpd site)

It's open for all committers to go set up new tasks (universal commit
bit, so to speak, just click on 'edit tasks'), and we hope it will be a
hub for putting people on the right path - whether that be a pointer to
JIRA, ML etc - to contributing to our projects. Or it'll crash and burn
and we'll never speak of it again :)

Contributions, feedback, quality control etc are MOST WELCOME, and we're
only getting started with the proof-of-concept right now (as found in
svn). Hopefully we'll have something stable and polished by the end of
February? :)

With regards,

PS: Yes, I know the admin area is a stylistic nightmare. That'll be
fixed...eventually! And the task guide needs a LOT of work. Saying
"contact the dev list" isn't enough, but I'll need a word smith for that :)

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