On 12/05/2016 07:41 AM, Ulrich Stärk wrote:
>> Or, at the very least, can we make a commitment to track this data going
>> > forward?
> Let me play the devil's advocate here: What for?
> GSoC is completely free for the ASF (on the contrary, we even get a small 
> amount for every accepted
> student that we can than put towards fulfilling our goals) and as long as we 
> have volunteers willing
> to organize it and mentor students we can assume that at least those 
> volunteers are seeing value in
> it. Why the stats other than for satisfying our curiosity?

Because part of Community Development is measuring what you do, so that
you know if it's effective. This isn't a big request. I'm perplexed at
your resistance to it.

Rich Bowen - rbo...@rcbowen.com - @rbowen
http://apachecon.com/ - @apachecon

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