Top post, because yaay.
There are now 100 projects covered on the site. If there's (lazy) consensus, I'll open up a ticket with infra to either get a sub domain for this, or point to a comdev vm and serve from there.


With regards,

PS: I expect this to reach some 130 projects by the end of this week, the rest...well some have no logos at all, others are not viable for press material, unfortunately. If there are projects out there wanting to amp up their logo, I'd be happy to assist.

On 08/24/2018 02:39 PM, Daniel Gruno wrote:
Hi all,

Logos are slowly ticking in and being processed.
I have a mockup of a 'logo central' site working, which you can see at - it has all the images that are available on scalable formats (svg, eps, ai etc) with various versions available. Images are automatically processed from SVN every hour on the hour, so any new additions should show up within an hour.

I'll work on adding a "how do I submit my logo" part of this as time permits. Hopefully this will spur some more logos being added :) And if enough traction, we can put this and the automated process on a comdev VM.

With regards,

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