Hi -

Thanks, Gary!

I agree. Advisors is really good. A PMC, or even a single PMC member, can ask 
for advice when they have doubts. and unsolicited advice can be ignored if not 
concise and actionable.


> On Feb 18, 2024, at 8:19 AM, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Based on 
> https://github.com/rbowen/comdev-working-groups/tree/main/wg-sharpeners#readme
> I read:
> - volunteers who come alongside a PMC to offer an outsider's
> perspective on the project, and advice to build their community.
> - subscribe to the project's mailing lists and mostly listen
> - do not have any authority over the PMC
> - All feedback must be a polite, positive, actionable suggestion, not
> merely a criticism or a "you're doing it wrong." You must suggest what
> the community should do, providing links to policy or best practice
> documents where applicable. Simply criticising is not welcome.
> All of this sounds to me like an advisory role where advisory is
> "having or consisting in the power to make recommendations but not to
> take action enforcing them."[1]
> So I'd go with "PMC Advisor". It's not cute or clever, it's even
> bland, but I understand it, ;-)
> Gary
> [1] https://www.google.com/search?q=define+advisory
> On Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 4:08 PM Rich Bowen <rbo...@rcbowen.com> wrote:
>>> On Feb 18, 2024, at 10:02 AM, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I've never heard of someone being called a "sharpener"; I've used a
>>> knife sharpener and a pencil sharpener ;-) ... it feels like a stretch
>>> here.
>>> In general, I prefer names that simply describe intent instead of
>>> cuteness/cleverness, especially in an international context where I
>>> find it beneficial to use words that make sense if you have to look
>>> them up.
>> Cool. Y’all come up with a name, and I’ll swap it out.
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