So, it takes us roughly a week to socialize a release. We tag the JS.
We go back and forth on the list a little. We retag the JS. =)

Personally, I think the addition of RC to the process made this
easier. But perhaps its time to add a new channel wherein we are more
strict about the tagging of the JS. (Right now we have releases on a
tag, and then wild west on edge----we could consider adding a 'dev'
channel which gets cut into tagged releases.) Both Pat and Lunny
brought doing something like this up sometime last year fwiw.

An alternate thing we could consider is further automation of the
release bits themselves. If you have a look at the Coho tool there is
a fair bit of magic to get a release cut. (The Robson tool cuts the
Cordova release wheras Coho cuts downstream distributions like
PhoneWhatever.) Mike Brooks suggested we could add a script to make
Robson/Coho dumber and put that responsibility back into the target
platforms (in the spirit of what was done w/ the CLI tools).


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