But isn't the app incomplete without the merges folder?  Most apps probably
don't use it, but for those that do, a zip of www isn't enough, you already
need to ship more than just the www folder.  Creating an app folder would
actually make the situation easier I think.

- platforms
  - ..
- plugins
  - ...
- app(s?)
  - www/
  - merges/
  - config.xml
  - README.md
  - docs/
  - etc stuff that doesn't get copied into platform/ output on build

(oh, and hey, notice the similarity in structure to plugins? just sayin..)

On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 7:00 PM, Tommy-Carlos Williams

> Can I just ask a question about this?
> Is the config.xml supposed to be compatible with build.phonegap.com at
> all?
> I ask because I could see a scenario where you might want to use the cli
> tools, but still utilise build.phonegap.com for other platforms (or even
> for the ones supported by the cli).
> If the cli config.xml is "build" compatible, it makes sense for it to be
> in the www folder so that the www folder can go straight to
> build.phonegap.com.
> On 23/03/2013, at 9:15 AM, Brian LeRoux <b...@brian.io> wrote:
> > I'm ok with ./merges at the same level as ./www but the config.xml
> > inside of ./www bugs me too. I think having a root level ./www just
> > works well mentally in that its obvious whats there, what it does, and
> > who it effects. The ./merges folder is really just stuff that gets
> > added to ./www in the right cases so having at the same depth is ok
> > (for me).
> >
> > I get where you are coming from though.
> >
> > The real sticky bit is a config file hiding with the app
> > implementation. It seems like that would live at the root. The idea of
> > having it inside of ./www is a simple zip and rename of ./www would
> > result in an installable package...but logically with our tooling and
> > such that would be a build artifact that just lives in ./platforms
> > after we do our magic.
> >
> > =/
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Michal Mocny <mmo...@chromium.org>
> wrote:
> >> Paraphrasing our meeting notes today:
> >>
> >> * currently www/ has to have config.xml inside it, docs inside it,
> >> etc
> >> * merges folder is already a sibling of www/ but its logically part of
> the
> >> app.
> >> * So, why not move everything that isn't the actual assets of the app
> >> itself out of www?
> >> * Option 1: move everything out into the root.
> >>   * harder for git versioning your app, since cordova artifacts
> >> (platforms, plugins) are inside.
> >> * Option 2: make a new top level "app/" folder that holds merges/ and
> www/
> >> and manifestes etc
> >>   * then you can just clone/install an app into one location
> >>
> >>
> >> And I'll throw out a third option: Create an "apps" folder which can
> have
> >> any number of named apps, like plugins.
> >>
> >>
> >> I think (2) should be totally doable (just change some default paths in
> the
> >> tooling) and is a strict improvement (minus the hassle of moving your
> files
> >> around the first time for app devs).  (3) I think is interesting, but
> is a
> >> bit of a departure.
> >>
> >> -Michal

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