So, what if you want to version the ./platorms folder? I don't like
it, but ppl will do.

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 9:10 AM, James Jong <> wrote:
> +1 for app folder and cordova create <app location>
> I would like to see it support a git-URL or local.  It's nice to have it all 
> neatly in app/  but can also see arguments for having www/ as top-level.
> -James Jong
> On Mar 25, 2013, at 10:32 AM, Braden Shepherdson <> wrote:
>> A big +1 from me for this world, Michal's option 2.
>> I want to be able to cordova create <some-git-URL>, and have it create an
>> empty project where the app/ directory is the git repo.
>> Then a full project might look like this:
>> platforms/
>>    android/
>>    ios/
>> plugins/
>>    ...
>> app/
>>    merges/
>>        ...
>>    www/
>>        ...
>>    config.xml
>>    docs/
>>    etc...
>> So I can have whatever meta-information I want inside my app/ (and
>> therefore my git repo) - tests, docs, samples, etc. - but not inside the
>> www that actually ships. This makes it sane to have just the app's files in
>> git, but not the platforms/ or plugins/ directories.
>> Braden
>> On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 6:02 PM, Michal Mocny <> wrote:
>>> So a few questions:
>>> 0. Do we want to support app distribution?  Sample apps, Test Harness,
>>> working in a team, open source projects.. hint at yes, but we could just
>>> leave that to be done manually.
>>> 1. Do we want to support app documentation? Where would you put it if you
>>> wanted to ship it along with a app?
>>> 2. Do we have any apps already using the merges/ folder?  How do they ship
>>> it?
>>> I suspect what would happen now is app devs would already need an app
>>> folder to keep all the pieces, would cordova create a workspace, and
>>> link/copy over www/ and merges/.
>>> If we wanted to support app distribution (such that say cordova create
>>> <path-to-app>), we would need to support importing from an app folder (for
>>> the two folder merges and www reason alone).  Yet we currently plan to
>>> unpack that app folder inside the workspace.
>>> -Michal
>>> On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 5:22 PM, Brian LeRoux <> wrote:
>>>> Ya no worries we'll advocate on best for the project vs our particular
>>>> downstream. File path handling, while tedious, is most certainly not a
>>>> reason to block a reasonable change.
>>>> I think this is reasonable but not convinced it is a win.
>>>> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 7:35 PM, Michal Mocny <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Ah yes, I see what you are asking.  The point being that phonegap build
>>>>> would need to change to work with the new structure.
>>>>> Its a fair point, and its important generally to not harm downstream
>>>>> distributions on purpose, but I think we generally should do whats best
>>>> for
>>>>> cordova and give downstream every opportunity to adjust.  With this
>>>>> particular proposal I can only image it would not be a problem,
>>>> especially
>>>>> if they use the same tools internally (but the actual phonegap build
>>> team
>>>>> should speak here).
>>>>> -Michal
>>>>> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 10:27 PM, Tommy-Carlos Williams
>>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>>> I just mean that build expects config.xml to be in www, yeah?
>>>>>> On 23/03/2013, at 1:12 PM, Michal Mocny <> wrote:
>>>>>>> But isn't the app incomplete without the merges folder?  Most apps
>>>>>> probably
>>>>>>> don't use it, but for those that do, a zip of www isn't enough, you
>>>>>> already
>>>>>>> need to ship more than just the www folder.  Creating an app folder
>>>> would
>>>>>>> actually make the situation easier I think.
>>>>>>> project
>>>>>>> - platforms
>>>>>>> - ..
>>>>>>> - plugins
>>>>>>> - ...
>>>>>>> - app(s?)
>>>>>>> - www/
>>>>>>> - merges/
>>>>>>> - config.xml
>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>> - docs/
>>>>>>> - etc stuff that doesn't get copied into platform/ output on build
>>>>>>> (oh, and hey, notice the similarity in structure to plugins? just
>>>>>> sayin..)
>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 7:00 PM, Tommy-Carlos Williams
>>>>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>>>>> Can I just ask a question about this?
>>>>>>>> Is the config.xml supposed to be compatible with
>>> build.phonegap.comat
>>>>>>>> all?
>>>>>>>> I ask because I could see a scenario where you might want to use
>>> the
>>>> cli
>>>>>>>> tools, but still utilise for other platforms
>>> (or
>>>>>> even
>>>>>>>> for the ones supported by the cli).
>>>>>>>> If the cli config.xml is "build" compatible, it makes sense for it
>>>> to be
>>>>>>>> in the www folder so that the www folder can go straight to
>>>>>>>> On 23/03/2013, at 9:15 AM, Brian LeRoux <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I'm ok with ./merges at the same level as ./www but the config.xml
>>>>>>>>> inside of ./www bugs me too. I think having a root level ./www
>>> just
>>>>>>>>> works well mentally in that its obvious whats there, what it does,
>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> who it effects. The ./merges folder is really just stuff that gets
>>>>>>>>> added to ./www in the right cases so having at the same depth is
>>> ok
>>>>>>>>> (for me).
>>>>>>>>> I get where you are coming from though.
>>>>>>>>> The real sticky bit is a config file hiding with the app
>>>>>>>>> implementation. It seems like that would live at the root. The
>>> idea
>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> having it inside of ./www is a simple zip and rename of ./www
>>> would
>>>>>>>>> result in an installable package...but logically with our tooling
>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> such that would be a build artifact that just lives in ./platforms
>>>>>>>>> after we do our magic.
>>>>>>>>> =/
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Michal Mocny <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Paraphrasing our meeting notes today:
>>>>>>>>>> * currently www/ has to have config.xml inside it, docs inside
>>> it,
>>>>>>>> README
>>>>>>>>>> etc
>>>>>>>>>> * merges folder is already a sibling of www/ but its logically
>>>> part of
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> app.
>>>>>>>>>> * So, why not move everything that isn't the actual assets of the
>>>> app
>>>>>>>>>> itself out of www?
>>>>>>>>>> * Option 1: move everything out into the root.
>>>>>>>>>> * harder for git versioning your app, since cordova artifacts
>>>>>>>>>> (platforms, plugins) are inside.
>>>>>>>>>> * Option 2: make a new top level "app/" folder that holds merges/
>>>> and
>>>>>>>> www/
>>>>>>>>>> and manifestes etc
>>>>>>>>>> * then you can just clone/install an app into one location
>>>>>>>>>> And I'll throw out a third option: Create an "apps" folder which
>>>> can
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>> any number of named apps, like plugins.
>>>>>>>>>> I think (2) should be totally doable (just change some default
>>>> paths
>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> tooling) and is a strict improvement (minus the hassle of moving
>>>> your
>>>>>>>> files
>>>>>>>>>> around the first time for app devs).  (3) I think is interesting,
>>>> but
>>>>>>>> is a
>>>>>>>>>> bit of a departure.
>>>>>>>>>> -Michal

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