The BlackBerry team has said on this list that they are rewriting
everything for BlackBerry 10.  They haven't shared any of the code yet but
have warned that it is a complete rewrite.  I am expecting it to be about
the same support (or more).

I think the issues are still valid as I can't imagine much changing when
they rewrite everything.

BlackBerry can chime in with more information.

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 6:10 AM, Lorin Beer <> wrote:

> I've started cataloguing the failing tests and missing functionality on
> BB10.
> There's about 50 failing tests, and many more missing features (minor and
> major).
> What I'm wondering is this:
> 1. dump all the issues in jira as I find them
> or
> 2. report the issues as I get an opportunity to fix them
> given the number of failing tests and issues, it would be some months
> before I could get around to fixing all of them.
> On one hand, we get these issues documented so users see were aware of it,
> and can indicate what they need fixed, not to mention encouraging others to
> take on some of these issues.
> On the other hand, it'll bloat our issue count. :)
> Wondering what the best approach is.
> - Lorin

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