
I decided to check my e-mail and respond to an issue.  It turns out
that we're not properly testing or even checking the pull requests
that we're getting into the project. The bug in question is CB-3766,
which was caused by a patch accepted to fix CB-2458.  The error isn't
totally obvious, and doesn't get easily picked up on unit test (our
CordovaWebView test mostly works, but fires a TIMING ERROR), but if
you use an emulator, due to the emulator's crappiness, it apparently
creates an ugly stack trace.

Honestly, there's no way that this should have made it in.  I
personally think that I'm going to have to rename loadUrlIntoView to
initAndLoadUrl or something more obvious, since it's too similar to
loadUrl.  That being said, we need to be more strict about quality
while at the same time encouraging people to contribute.  I'd rather
deal with hundreds of pull requests than hundreds of issues where
people know the answer but don't tell you.

Any ideas how we can accomplish this?  Has anyone else seen pull
requests get in that shouldn't have?


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