+1 to Ian's comments.

How about if:
- the developer (contributor or committer) is responsible to test their own 
code and correct any problems before a pull request is submitted (contributor 
authored) or it lands in the stream (committer authored). The testing includes 
both verifying the function they added/touched, plus running mobile-spec to 
verify there are no regressions.
- if a pull request, the committer should sanity check the contributor's code. 
- if a pull request, the committer should see that the contributor tested it. 
Perhaps that could be a simple comment in Jira, similar to how Mike and Lisa 
worked as contributors here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-3521 .

I find it odd that "Processing Pull Requests" in 
http://wiki.apache.org/cordova/CommitterWorkflow doesn't mention anything about 
testing or sanity checking / reviewing what comes from the contributor. If 
there is consensus, I can add the verbage above to "Processing Pull Requests". 
(Hmm, shouldn't there also be something there about doc for external behaviors 
/ interfaces / requirements?)

Based on other commercial projects I've seen, and how aggressive you want to 
be, I'd also be tempted to suggest:
- every new function and defect fix should include an automated test (where 
reasonably feasible) that lands in mobile-spec at the same time as the new 
function / fix. What this does over time is to build up coverage in the 
automated test suite that gets a lot better at catching breakages / 
regressions. Yes, this takes time to do, but when mobile-spec is run, you've 
got confidence.

-- Marcel Kinard

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