On Tue Sep 3 01:09 PM, Brian LeRoux wrote:
> Or you could create cordova-plugin-core, cordova-plugin-chromeos, and
> cordova-plugin-phonegap repos, with a plugin.xml that have the
> dependencies
> you describe to achieve the same result.
> As the other guys mentoin, there's many ways to do this now without
> adding a
> new feature which is the most pragmatic approach. (This will
> be dramatically
> easier and more obvious once
> http://plugins.cordova.io ships at the end of hte
> month.)

Sounds good to wait and see, might be ok to just distinguish required vs. 

<dependency id="org.apache.cordova.test.echo" 
url="https://github.com/jbondc/cordova-labs.git"; subdir="cordova-plugin-echo" 
required="false" /> 

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