Hi Sergey,
I have been working with medic ( or bits if it) for a couple months. We
have a test system running for just Android and iOS in our office.
You are welcome (encouraged) to grab the code and run your own for windows
testing. The code is in my repo:

The system I am using is a bit different since the build management is done
with buuldbot. The preparation of a build is done with coho, CLI, etc and
the deploy to devices is done with scripts built from medic.

David Kemp
On Oct 10, 2013 3:09 AM, "Sergey Grebnov (Akvelon)" <v-seg...@microsoft.com>

> Hi guys,
> I would like to contribute to Medic project by adding Windows platforms
> support (Windows 8, Windows Phone 8).  After reviewing related discussion
> threads and project status I have the following questions. Could someone
> clarify them?
> 1. The main repo[1] seems to be not active at all (last commit was 6
> months ago).  I also see special ticket with done status to create official
> repo, but new repo is not active too.
> 2. Don't see any issue/task for Medic component in Jira.
> 3. Medic future is unclear. Fil Maj (Medic lead) has recently moved to
> saucelabs . Who drives this direction right now? Will we  continue
> contributing to Medic project or there will be a different project used for
> test authomation (Appium)?
> 4. Are there plans or (anyone is already looking)  on adding WP8, W8
> support? Are there any known technical restrictions or issues here? The
> only big difference I see is that it should run on Windows instead of Mac
> OS.
> 5. Currently Medic uses own logic to install builds on devices (cordova
> cli already provides this functionality). Are there plans to change this
> (running Medic on top of cordova cli)?
> 6. To get test results Medic previously used special logs/trace parsing so
> that final results were pushed to db from PC, NOT directly from mobile test
> app installed on a device. Do you plan to change this behavior?
> [1] https://github.com/filmaj/medic/commits/master
> Thank you,
> Sergey Grebnov

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