If README.md is the standard why not just call all of them README and not 
have an index.md file at all for the plugins.  What is the advantage of 
having both?  Seems more confusing than anything.

Lisa Seacat DeLuca
Mobile Engineer | t: +415.787.4589 | ldel...@apache.org | | 
ldel...@us.ibm.com | lisaseacat.com | | 

From:   Andrew Grieve <agri...@chromium.org>
To:     dev <dev@cordova.apache.org>
Date:   02/24/2014 01:41 PM
Subject:        Re: [Input request] Rethinking Plugin docs
Sent by:        agri...@google.com

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Marcel Kinard <cmarc...@gmail.com> 

> On Feb 24, 2014, at 12:32 PM, Andrew Grieve <agri...@chromium.org> 
> > - We may also want to include README.md files in the translations.
> > doc/fr/index.md
> > doc/fr/README.md
> What content do you forsee being in README.md other than a
> table-of-contents to the languages? Or in other words, would it be
> public-facing content that could be collapsed in to the rest of the 
> docs?

On npmjs.org and on github, README.md's are the files that are shown most
prominently. So, I speculate that many plugins will not provide a doc/
index.md, and instead provide only a README.md.

> > - We don't need the version in the directory since we can use git tags 
> > find old versions
> That makes sense.

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