> I think everyone is on board with the idea that modules should be used to
> enable sharing code, and for code organization.


> Two problems that are happening in practice:
> - Multiple pull requests (plugman and CLI) to make a change
> - Code duplication between the repositories
> Both of these are solved by moving all common code into the same git
> repository.

Nope. Multiple pull requests to make a single functional change could be
achieved by pulling a common module out. I respect you have a single repo
at Google but this is not the solution to everything!

> I think whether to make additional npm packages should happen as a
> follow-up, and as concrete proposals (e.g. Let's publish CordovaError into
> an npm package)


It's a bit weird that a lot of cordova's CLI is in a module called
> "cordova", but you need to install "plugman" to publish to the registry.

Nope. The choice to make the CLI the entry point for developers of cordova
makes perfect sense. To have a separate tool for publishing also makes
sense. Exposing that tool from Cordova was always the idea.

> How about folding the functionality of plugman into cordova?

Right. This doesn't mean they have to be in the same git repo. In Cordova
you can use package.json to include Plugman and expose functionality. This
way you win versioning which is the point dependency management…not SCM.

> For users that are accustomed to using plugman directly, we could make
> plugman depend on CLI to have it continue working.

What?! Why!

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