Good work. 
APIs need better names/signatures I think. Will see what I come up with. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 6, 2014, at 7:06 AM, Andrew Grieve <> wrote:
> Closer than ever to resolving this (woo!)
> The file plugin is now able to read & write to roots on the filesystem
> beyond PERSISTENT and TEMPORARY on iOS, Android, and BlackBerry (and maybe
> others?)
> However, you still can't query for the location of these places (doh!)
> There's a file-extras plugin in cordova-labs:
> That was used to experiment with an API for this. I think the API is pretty
> much fine, and I'd like to add it to the core file plugin rather than have
> it as a separate plugin.
> This would add:
> cordova.plugins.file.getDirectoryForPurpose(purpose, options, win, fail)
> Where purpose can be one of:
> var Purpose = {
>     'data': 0, // General application data (default)
>     'documents': 1, // Files that are meaningful to other applciations
> (e.g. Office files)
>     'cache': 2, // Temporary files that should survive app restarts
>     'temp': 3, // Files that can should be deleted on app restarts
>     'app-bundle': 4 // The application bundle (iOS only)
> }
> And also add convenience wrappers:
> cordova.plugins.file.getDataDirectory(syncable, win)
> cordova.plugins.file.getDocumentsDirectory(win)
> cordova.plugins.file.getTempDirectory(win)
> cordova.plugins.file.getCacheDirectory(win)
> Any comments on this?

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