Shazron wrote:
>The premise here is npm running sudo is dangerous. Here's what it does
>that power:
>Note that the issue was filed and closed _after_ this article was written,
>so the article is actually stale:
>In my opinion, sudo is fine based on @izs' npm issue explanation above.

*shrug*, on Friday we ran into a thing where various portions of Cordova
related node_modules were owned by Administrator/nobody (OS X, not Linux)
and we have totally failed miserably at trying to get it cleaned up.

Cleaning up after a botched install done by a user is fairly easy: rm -rf.
Cleaning up after a botched install w/ a mix of other users is much more
complicated, (1) you have to become root, (2) you have to be *much* more
careful about running `rm -rf`.

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