Personally I'd rather not have any "coming soon" paragraphs in the doc text. As 
a user, if I'm at the docs, I don't care what is coming next. I'm trying to 
solve a problem I have *now*, or trying to build now. Anything that is coming 
soon is a distractor.

Do I feel strongly about it? No, but I'd vote against it being in the docs at 
all. Stuff like that should definitely be communicated to users - via the 
Cordova blog perhaps - but not in the mainline docs.

From: <> on behalf of Max Woghiren 
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 10:27 AM
To: dev
Subject: Re: Pointing docs to edge

Okay, so here are the current proposals for handling Ray's issue (thanks

1. Update docs at commit-time and release-time.  At commit-time,
documentation changes can be marked with "coming soon", or "removed in next
release", or whatever the relevant message is.  At release-time, docs are
further updated to remove these sub-messages.

2. Use CSS to do the manual marking in proposal 1.  We could also use it to

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