We used to, in the 2.x days, because we had to.

One of the stated goals of the 3.x series of releases was to decouple
platforms and plugins, so that we had the freedom to release plugins
weekly, if needed (and not even as a whole set; just the ones which had
significant improvements,) and update platforms monthly (or even less
frequently than that, as it's turned out)

And I agree that we should be testing against latest released plugins
regardless; not everyone is going to update all of their plugins
immediately, and they shouldn't have to.

(This all makes testing harder, but one of these days it will force us into
a stable, well-defined platform-plugin interface... or so I've been saying)

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Marcel Kinard <cmarc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My assumption is that this would be a platforms / tools / plugins release.
> That's why the testing we've been doing here has been using plugins master
> instead of plugins latest.
> Now that I look back at recent history, I see that platforms and tools
> were released concurrently, but not plugins. I didn't see that before. So
> if the plan is to not do a concurrent plugins release, then we should be
> testing platforms with plugins latest instead of plugins master. I'm not
> sure whether to face-palm or frown.
> Is there a reason we've not released plugins concurrently with platforms /
> tools?
> On Aug 29, 2014, at 12:39 PM, Ian Clelland <iclell...@chromium.org> wrote:
> > CB-7375 shouldn't block the release; it's a platforms / tools release,
> not
> > plugins.

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